H | EHS (Ethical Hacking Specialist)
The goal of the Ethical Hacking Expert course is to provide students with advanced knowledge and useful skills in cybersecurity and ethical hacking. This course delves into the methods, strategies, and resources employed by ethical hackers to protect networks and systems from malevolent intrusions, going beyond the fundamentals of cybersecurity.
Duration: 6 months
Section 1 – Fundamentals of Networking
Concepts of Networking
OSI Model and TCP/IP Model
Internet Protocols
Network Devices
Remote Services (Telnet and SSH)
Section 2: Kali Linux Essentials
Getting Stared with Kali Linux
Accessing the Command Line
Managing Files from the Command Line
Managing Local users and groups
Controlling Access to Files
Monitoring and Managing Linux Process
Controlling Services and Daemons
Configuring and Securing SSH
Managing Networking
Section 3: Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Introduction to Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity
Reconnaissance and Foot-Printing
Scripting Basics for Pentesting
In-depth Network Scanning
Enumeration User Identification
Vulnerability Management
Network Penetration Testing
System Hacking Password Cracking & Bypassing
Viruses and Worms
Trojan and Backdoor
Spoofing and Sniffing
Social Engineering
Denial of Service DOS & DDOS Attacks
Session Hijacking
SQL Injection
Web Application Security
Active Directory Pentesting
Hacking Web servers Server Rooting
Hacking Wireless Network
Evading IDS, Firewall
Mobile Application Penetration Testing
Internet of Things (IOT) Hacking
Cloud Security
Cyber Forensics
Cyber Security Compliance
API PenTesting
Module 4: Web Bug Bounty Hunter
Introduction to Web Application Testing
Web Application Reconnaissance
Working With Burp Suite Professional
Introduction to XSS (Cross Side Scripting)
Introduction to SQL Injection
Introduction to File Inclusion
Introduction to CSRF (Cross Side Request Forgery Attack)
Introduction to IDOR
Introduction to OS command Injection
Host Header Injection
Bug Bounty Platform
Working With Labs
Contact Info
- +91 9920955055
- contact@hackanics.com
- Mumbai , Pune , Bangalore, Udaipur , Jaipur
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